Saturday, January 15, 2005


Ads as Media

Ads as media tracks the convergence of advertisers and media. Some early examples include the infomercial. More recent examples include stuff like queer eye for the straight guy and america's next top model, both of which were essentially product placement vehicles, though admittedly compelling in a sort of car wreck horrible can't stop looking kind of way.

The place where I watch this convergence closely is online. That's where there's a HUGE opportunity for advertisers to become responsible media providers.

How is this happening?

One way is through conferences. My company, WebSourced, recently put on a search conference. This is an example of an industry player constructing a media event (media here defined as a means/medium of transferring information).

Another common method of ads as media includes the company-created email newsletter. The industry I'm most familiar with, search engine optimization, has many sources of company created info sources.

Jill Whalen, an early seo provider, created not only a newsletter but a forum where those who wish to learn about seo can ask questions and share ideas that she thinks are right.

Andy Beal created the SearchEngineLowdown as a means of both providing a mostly responsible, if moderatel biased, look on the SE industry and a vehicle for spreading the name of his company, WebSourced, or as I first knew the company, KeywordRanking.

Where else do we see ads as media? What ideas do you have regarding the convergence of advertising and media?

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